Award-Winning Queensland Business Broker and Advisor

Queensland Business Broker of The Year 2020 AIBB

  • All your information will be kept highly confidential.
  • Less interruption to the business.
  • Achieve the best possible price within the shortest period and a smooth transition.

What elements required to ensure a successful sale for your business?


  Properly prepared and presented finance information and relevant data.
  The correct Asking Price set using a proven pricing methodology
  The Seller’s commitment to a strategic management and marketing plan
  A pro-active business broker who will communicate regularly with the client
  A draft Sale Contract
  An Exclusive Authority to sell
  A sales plan


With all these six elements present, your business should sell in 90 days. If any of these elements are not present, the sale may be delayed.

One of the strengths of the LUX Business Group is that all our business brokers have either owned, or operated a small business and experienced in business management.

Meaning that, when you speak to a LUX Business Group broker, you are speaking to someone who really knows what it’s like to run your own business. With the LUX team helping to make the journey of selling your business a smooth win-win outcome for all parties.

If you have a business you want to sell, talk to Queensland’s best business brokers in Brisbane.

I am a seller

I want to know how you can help.

Why You Should Consult a LUX Business Broker

Buying or Selling a business is a specialised and complex process that requires
considerable experience in several areas.

LUX Business Group is an Award-Winning Business Brokerage and the Winner of Queensland Business Broker of The Year 2020.

We boast an extensive database of international investors and cash buyers.

LUX works differently. We keep all information highly confidential from both the public and staff of the business.  We ensure minimum interruption to the business and achieve the best possible sale price. By working closely with the seller, a smooth transition to new ownership is achieved.

Everything required for a successful sale is professionally represented: the initial appraisal, valuation, Information Memorandum, marketing campaign, qualification of buyers and the settlement process.




LUX Group Business Brokers are an excellent source of advice about buying and selling business.

They can advise you on current market trends, sales guide and local issues such as rezoning plans and competitors.

Cash Buyers

Cash Buyers

We have a database of international investors and cash buyers who are looking to acquire a business. We have an extensive network of local and international business alliances that can quickly identify a qualified list of buyers for your business.

Our broker’s role includes qualification of all Buyers for Intent, Ability and Financial Resources.



Business values can be adversely affected if Key Employees, Suppliers or Customers find out that a business is on the market for sale – which can often happen when owners deal directly with buyers. LUX Business Brokers work to control confidentiality of the sale process.



Confidentially promoting the business to the target market and generating interest and demand is one of the great attributes that our experienced team of brokers will deliver for the seller.

Managing the Process

Managing the Process

Identifying, screening and evaluating buyers, Arrangement of Business Inspections, transferring information on the business, negotiating the price and terms of sale acceptable to the Seller, facilitating the flow of information between Lawyers and Accountants and act as a buffer for emotions that can arise between the parties.

Business brokers are apt at managing this complex process.



Our Business Brokers pre-qualify the business before listing and will have a good working knowledge about your business to share with potential buyers.

This helps motivated buyers who have been pre-qualified to quickly make a well-informed decision on their level of interest in the business for sale.



Management of the Process from Negotiation of Terms, Contract Preparation, Due Diligence, Financial Approval, and through to Successful Settlement.

How can LUX Business Group help you?

The LUX Business Broking Team facilitates the sale of businesses in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Cairns and other Regional areas in Queensland. We are specialists in helping migration business buyers to successfully purchases a business that meets their business migration visa requirements.

We help business owners to sell their businesses to the right buyers and help the buyers purchase the right business. In conjunctional with our extensive network of business alliances, LUX Business Brokers can facilitate listing businesses for sale Australia wide.

The LUX Team of qualified and experienced business brokers will provide the following services  and more:

Our qualified, experienced, business broker will provide the following services  and more:

  • Appraisal
  • Production management and marketing plan.
  • Identify and eliminate potential problems and obstacles.
  • Assistance with planning for the sale of the business.
  • Identification of business attributes & selling points.
  • Production of Business Information Package.
  • Use of buyer database, of local, interstate, and overseas buyers.
  • Qualification of buyers.
  • Find a buyer willing to pay the most for the business.
  • Assistance for buyers with qualified finance, legal advisors.
  • Negotiate a satisfactory price and terms of sale.
  • Preparation and assistance with Contract of Sale.
  • Assistance and manage transition process.
  • Completion of transaction.

Selling A Business
Frequently Asked Questions

If you want to sale your business in the shortest period and highest possible price, you will need to give us as much information as possible.

What do we need and how much information do we need depend on your business type.

Below is the basic example of information that we will need to help you sell your business, some business will require less or more information.

  1. Complete and signed Seller’s Disclosure Statement.
  2. Accountant financial figures
  3. Copy of plant and equipment list.
  4. Lease agreement and last payment of rent receipt.
  5. Staff information.
  6. A few nice photos.

The business sales process can be over 60 steps from beginning to settlement. But the simplified steps will be as follows:

  1. Meeting with our qualified business broker
  2. Submit all required documents
  3. Set a listing price
  4. Commitment to management and marketing plan
  5. Get business Information Memorandum produced
  6. Qualify buyers and
  7. Negotiation selling price, terms, and conditions for sales contract
  8. Lead and manage the settlement process after the contract is signed
  9. Settlement occurred, The Win-Win result is delivered

We calculate the value of your business assets include both tangible and intangible assets.

  • Tangible assets are physical things you can touch such as tools, equipment, and property.
  • Intangible assets are things that can’t be touched but are still valuable, such as intellectual property, brands and business goodwill.

Assessing your business’ assets value can be a complicated process. LUX Business brokers have many years of experience in business sales, management, ownership and consultancy. Whether you’re a business owner, investor, or buyer, LUX Business brokers and advisors will assist you with successful business sales.

Estimating business value is a skill, learned over many years. Only experienced, competent professionals can capably evaluate the value of your business.

Our experienced business broker will work with you and get your business analysed and discuss your business appraisal process with you. Most buyers want to pay the right price. Setting up the right market price at the beginning is a critical determinant how long it takes to sell the business. LUX Business Brokers have a proven formula to help you achieve the highest possible price for your business.

Business goodwill is a key intangible asset that represents the portion of the business value that cannot be attributed to other business assets. Eg the value of a company’s brand name, solid customer base, good customer relations, good employee relations, and proprietary technology represent some reasons why goodwill exists.

Business goodwill reflects the synergy among the various assets used by the business to produce income. The business goodwill created by going concern value, excess business income, and expectation of future economic benefits.

Yes, you can try. But the owner normally finds it difficult to progress. It’s wastes lots of their time that they could use to concentrate on running their business.

Many times, business owners have had buyers come to them looking to buy their business, and the buyer has lost interest and drifted away.

The skill and expertise of a professional business broker will be able to identify the right way and process forward for both buyer and seller and create a win-win outcome for all.

Professional business brokers know how to consider the situation, and how much – or how little – information to provide to a buyer at different stages.

A business broker does not get paid until the transaction is complete. In any profession, there are good and bad practitioners, but it’s like anything – You get what you pay for. Do some homework, don’t only go to the lower commission, but see the result. Find a qualified broker who understands your business and experience with the selling process.

Buying or selling a business is a specialised and complex process that requires considerable experience in several professional areas.

Just like you would use a qualified lawyer for legal advice and use an accountant for financial advice. You should use a qualified business broker to help you with your business sales.

Our team includes some of Australia’s most experienced and awarded, business brokers. All Lux Business Group brokers actively participate in industry training and professional development programs, ensuring that they keep abreast of the latest developments and legal requirements.

After many years of successfully selling businesses, we know how to qualify a potential buyer, where to market your business for sale to the right buyers, how and when to close the deals. We have developed a proven formula to assist you with a business sale within 90 days. Then help you manage and lead you through the sales process to achieve a smooth transaction and delivering winning results to you.

At LUX Business Group, we pride ourselves on the ability to achieve settlement within 90 days for most of our clients. This varies from case to case.

In the past, we found a cash buyer for our vendor and the business was sold within 30 days, 28 days, 60 days. If you as the vendor are committed to the sale and working with us in good terms, most businesses should sell in 90 days.

If you have a business to sell, or you would like to know what the possible sale price of your business is, please contact us and book a free consultation with our licenced, experienced business brokers. We will deliver a sales plan specially designed for your business.

The cost will vary depending upon the type, value, and category of your business.

We set an individual management plan, sales process, and appraisal for each business.  At our initial meeting, the cost will be explained to you.

We understand how valuable choosing a good and experienced business broker is to you. They will save your time, find a suitable buyer, negotiation the possible highest sales price, close the deal, deliver the smooth transaction, and keep your business information confidential from the public, staff, and your competitors.